Iced or Cold Chai

Making cold chai is very easy.


*Milk/liquid of choice 

*Chai concentrate of choice

  1. Measure out your concentrate and your milk (using 3 Teaspoons-ish (15ml or grams) of extract and 225 ml of milk, depending on how strong you like it).                                                           
  2. We are using 15-20ml average to 225 ml of milk.
  3. Pour your concentrate into a clean dry container (or straight into the milk container).
  4. Add milk to concentrate.                 
  5. Stir or shake well. Sweeten to taste now or later.
  6. Let your mix sit in the refrigerator for ideally no less than 12 hours. It can keep for as long as your milk stays fresh.
  7. Drink it.
  8. You could even re-heat this after infusion.

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